This document is a WORK IN PROGRESS.
This is just a quick personal cheat sheet: treat its contents with caution!¶
DuckDNS is a free and open source service which will point a DNS (sub domains of to an IP of your choice.
Table of contents¶
- Get a domain and configure your internet router
- Cron script to update your IP associated to your duckdns subdomain
Get a domain and configure your internet router¶
Create a free domain on
E.g. get the subdomain
Configure your internet router to get your server a fix public IP address and to forward port 80 and port 443:
Cron script to update your IP associated to your duckdns subdomain¶
You might not have a fixed IP address. In this case, duckdns will need to be updated whenever your IP changes, e.g. with the following script:
$ vi ~/bin/update-duckdns-ip
> #!/bin/bash
> valid_ifconfig() {
> ip=$1
> if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then
> return 0 # valid ifconfig response
> else
> return 1
> fi
> }
> curl_ipv4=$(curl -4 -s --connect-timeout 5 "")
> curl_ipv6=$(curl -6 -s --connect-timeout 5 "")
> if valid_ifconfig "$curl_ipv4" && ! curl -s --connect-timeout 5
> then
> # In the below command, replace "{token}" with your duckdns token (see,
> # and "yourhostname" with your duckdns domain name:
> curl "{token}&ip=$curl_ipv4&ipv6=$curl_ipv6&verbose=true"
> fi
Run the above script in your crontab
e.g. every 5 minutes:
# sudo crontab -e
> ...
> */5 * * * * /home/user/bin/update-duckdns-ip # run update-duckdns-ip every 5 mn
> ...
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