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This document is a WORK IN PROGRESS.
This is just a quick personal cheat sheet: treat its contents with caution!


BlueZ is an implementation of the Bluetooth protocol stack for Linux. It is a Linux standard for the short-range wireless interconnection of cellular phones, computers, and other electronic devices.


Table of contents


$ cd /usr/src/linux
# make nconfig # or `make menuconfig`

    # Double check here: <>
    # Double check the prerequisites: <>
    > [*] Networking support ---> # Symbol: NET [=y]
    >       <M>   Bluetooth subsystem support ---> # Symbol: BT [=m]
    >               [*]   Bluetooth Classic (BR/EDR) features # Symbol: BT_BREDR [=y]
    >               <*>     RFCOMM protocol support # Symbol: BT_RFCOMM [=y]
    >               [ ]       RFCOMM TTY support # Symbol: BT_RFCOMM_TTY [=n]
    >               < >     BNEP protocol support # Symbol: BT_BNEP [=n]
    >               [ ]       Multicast filter support # Symbol: BT_BNEP_MC_FILTER [=n]
    >               [ ]       Protocol filter support # Symbol: BT_BNEP_PROTO_FILTER [=n]
    >               <*>     HIDP protocol support # Symbol: BT_HIDP [=y]
    >               [*]     Bluetooth High Speed (HS) features # Symbol: BT_HS [=y]
    >                       ...
    >               [*]   Bluetooth Low Energy (LE) features # Symbol: BT_LE [=y]
    >                     Bluetooth device drivers --->
    >                       <M> HCI USB driver # Symbol: BT_HCIBTUSB [=m]
    >                       <M> HCI UART driver # Symbol: BT_HCIUART [=m]
    >       <*>   RF switch subsystem support --->  # Symbol: RFKILL [=y]
    >     Device Drivers --->
    >           HID support --->
    >             <*>   User-space I/O driver support for HID subsystem # Symbol: UHID [=y]

After configuring the kernel don't forget to do a kernel make and rebuild!

  • Add bluetooth to the USE variable of /etc/portage/make.conf:

    $ sudo emerge --ask --changed-use --deep @world

  • hciconfig and other utilities are only available if net-wireless/bluez is installed with the deprecated USE flag enabled:

    $ sudo vi /etc/portage/package.use/bluez
        > net-wireless/bluez deprecated
    $ sudo emerge --ask --noreplace net-wireless/bluez

$ pacman -S bluez bluez-utils

For Artix users

  • If using dinit:
    # pacman -S bluez bluez-dinit bluez-utils
  • If using openrc:
    # pacman -S bluez bluez-openrc bluez-utils
  • If using runit:
    # pacman -S bluez bluez-runit bluez-utils
  • If using s6:
    # pacman -S bluez bluez-s6 bluez-utils
$ apt install bluez
$ yum install bluez
$ dnf install bluez


  • Permissions for Bluetooth devices is handled automatically by D-Bus, and access is granted to all users by default.

  • Start Bluetooth:

    # rc-service bluetooth start

    Depending on your runit implementation, either run:

    # ln -s /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth /service
    # touch /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth/down # prevent start at boot
    or run:
    # ln -s /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth /var/service
    # touch /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth/down # prevent start at boot
    or run:
    # ln -s /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth /run/runit/service
    # touch /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth/down # prevent start at boot
    In any case, finally run:
    # sv up bluetooth


    # systemctl start bluetooth
  • Optionally start Bluetooth at boot:

    # rc-update add bluetooth default

    Depending on your runit implementation, either run:

    # ln -s /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth /service
    or run:
    # ln -s /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth /var/service
    or run:
    # ln -s /etc/runit/sv/bluetooth /run/runit/service
    In any case, finally run:
    # sv up bluetooth


    # systemctl enable bluetooth


$ bluetoothctl --help
  1. (OPTIONAL) Select a default controller with $ bluetoothctl select <MAC address>.
  2. (OPTIONAL) Enter $ bluetoothctl power on to turn the power to the controller on if the device is set to off. It is on by default.
  3. Enter $ bluetoothctl devices to get the MAC address of the device with which to pair.
  4. Enter device discovery mode with $ bluetoothctl scan on command if device is not yet on the list.
  5. Turn the agent on with $ bluetoothctl agent on or choose a specific agent: if you press tab twice after agent you should see a list of available agents. A bluetooth agent is what manages the Bluetooth 'pairing code'. It can either respond to a 'pairing code' coming in, or can send one out. The default-agent should be appropriate in most cases.
  6. Enter $ bluetoothctl pair <MAC address> to do the pairing (tab completion works).
  7. If using a device without a PIN, one may need to manually trust the device before it can reconnect successfully. Enter $ bluetoothctl trust <MAC address> to do so.
  8. Enter $ bluetoothctl connect <MAC address> to establish a connection.


First, power on your bluetooth device, and enable its pairing mode, then:

$ bluetoothctl power on

$ bluetoothctl scan on
    Discovery started
    [CHG] Controller 05:EB:67:76:CD:64 Discovering: yes
    [NEW] Device 69:1B:AB:45:19:A5 69-1B-AB-45-29-A5
    [NEW] Device 7F:D7:15:68:B3:CB 7F-D7-15-68-B3-CB
    [NEW] Device 8C:B2:C4:A6:3C:4B 8C-B2-C4-A6-3C-4B
    [NEW] Device 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8 Your Device Name Here

$ bluetoothctl pair 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8

$ bluetoothctl devices
    Device 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8 Your Device Name Here

$ bluetoothctl info 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8

$ bluetoothctl trust 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8 # OPTIONAL if not already trusted
$ bluetoothctl unblock 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8 # OPTIONAL if blocked


First, pair your Bluetooth device (see previous section), then:

$ bluetoothctl power on

$ bluetoothctl devices
    Device 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8 Your Device Name Here

$ bluetoothctl connect 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8


Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed br-connection-profile-unavailable

Attempting to connect to 31:85:DA:BF:57:A8
Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.Failed br-connection-profile-unavailable

If you are facing the above error message on an Arch-based distros, then : - if you just installed the bluez related packages, then a simple reboot might enough. - if you installed the bluez related packages in a previous session and you are using pulseaudio, then you might want to install pulseaudio-bluetooth and reboot.


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